
Holy hell.

So let me tell you about the great deal that thing whatever.

Recently, Blizzard slapped a DCMA on private servers. Which kinda blows. I enjoyed playing WoW for free. So I gave a deep sigh and decided to play the damn real thing. Painfully slow. But much less buggy. More peoples. Would it be worth it? I think so.

If its something I enjoy, why not shed out $15 a month for it? Worth it in my eyes.

So it's honestly been a while since I've blogged. School ended, I've got nothing to do for a few weeks, and honestly, I'm bored as shit. I can honestly say, with my first semester of college done, its terrible. It's everything I didn't enjoy about high school. But much more isolated. I'm hungry. So I need to find something to eat eventually.

..the hell did I just write?

No clue. But I will tell you this, nothing might make sense anymore. Get fucking used to it.


Turkey Day mayhem.

Holy crap.


Went to the Troubadour to see Pierce the Veil and Emarosa. Much fun was had. I got a shirt with a monkey.


Holy crap I ate so much.


Black Friday. Did the safe thing and stay home and did nothing.


Saw Daisy, Maritza and Kathy for the first time since ever. Good to see em. Forced to see Twilight. Holy crap. Its such a god damned terrible movie. See it, you'll never see something as bad in theaters again for a while. Also went to the COC game. Saw Liz. Was awesometastic.

Blah. Nothing.



Viva Las Vegas

I'll be here for the weekend, bracing the cold. Yup.

Pics to come soon.


What the hell?

So every so often, I find something on the internet that's ridiculously funny, so retarded, so funny, it makes me nearly piss myself. Today, I share this moment with you.

Click here for the story.

If you chose not to read it, heres the tl;dr version. The mayor of the city of Turkey, Huseyin Kalkan Batman is suing Warner Bros. and Christopher Nolan (the director of the Dark Night) for using the city's name without his permission.

Batman suing Batman because of Batman. Yeah.

"There is only one Batman in the world," Kalkan said. "The American producers used the name of our city without informing us."

Hehe. Isn't this funny? He said to have evidence that dates the city's start of 1939. WB he said, needs to have proof of being created before that.

He also pointed the high rate of female murders to the movie. Is this guy a nut or what?

In closing, why so serious, Mr. Kalkan? Why so serious??


Since Im going to bed...

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I can think of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!


In the FF kind of mood.

Im tired.




A big lethargic.

And a tad hungry.

Either I'm depressed or this is one hell of an acid trip.


I had a dream.

You were once in it.

That same dream happened again.

Cept you weren't there.

Who knows why.


Wednesday comes a bit early. (my view on Prop 8)

voting yes on prop 8 IS restricting people of their rights.

it IS fueled by a belief, that you damn christians hold so high above everything else.

lets check out your site, shall we? everything you are about to see are direct quotes.

It restores the definition of marriage to what the vast majority of California voters already approved and what Californians agree should be supported, not undermined.

um.. lol? last i checked, a majority voted for same-sex marriage. and when you say "what Californians agree should be supported", honestly, dont speak for ALL of us when you are but a minority in this issue.

It overturns the outrageous decision of four activist Supreme Court judges who ignored the will of the people.

God damnit. ignored the will of the people? fucking please. listen. if the supreme court listened and went through with every one of your demands, then this country would be down the shithole, up, and back down again. more so than now. ive also seen flyers about having the government back off. about "religious freedom". 2 things. if the government were to not listen to the will of the people, then... fuck. iunno. way to contradict yourselves.

"you didnt listen to us!!"

"youre interfering with our lives!! leave us alone!!"

wut the fuck.

and this religious freedom bullshit. using religion to fuel your rallys, bad.
isnt that what the fucking first amendment was for?

"[T]he right to marry is not properly viewed simply as a benefit or privilege that a government may establish or abolish as it sees fit, but rather that the right constitutes a basic civil or human right of all people.

Thank you random guy from BYU who seems to understand.

your third point, which i think is just funny beyond all reason.

It protects our children from being taught in public schools that “same-sex marriage” is the same as traditional marriage, and prevents other consequences to Californians who will be forced to not just be tolerant of gay lifestyles, but face mandatory compliance regardless of their personal beliefs.

mmk. show me were it is in california law where it is required to teach kids about same-sex marriage. or marriage at all for that matter.



thats what i thought.
and most people with a wee bit of moral fiber in them are completely ..tolerant.. accepting of the gay community. saying it forces people to to be tolerant is WAY different than having acceptance of it. tolerate means you put up with it. like you put up with that crying brat in the toy section in walmart. the annoying itch on your lowerback you can seem to get. THATS tolerance.
you make it seem like people have to deal with gay marriage every waking moment of their lives, really? is that so?

tell me you people who want to vote yes on 8, why contradict? why make lies to fuel the campaign? why waste the time to work on something the majority has already allowed and is very happy with?

dont discriminate people by their beliefs. dont strip the rights of you fellow humans.
if 2 people love each other, why shouldnt they be allowed to wed? is love such a bad thing? why is it better for you than someone else?

dont be ignorant. its fucking dumb.

No on Proposition 8.


The 4 day saga.

Today, I will write about what I did since Thursday morn. Lets begin!

Thursday: So I'm at home. Watching my brothers. I get a call from my cousin. Following conversation ensues.

Him: Are you going today? (There was a show that i wanted to go to for 2 months, but didn't have the money.)
Me: No, no cash.
Him: Awww.. youre fuckin up.
Me: (blah blah)
Him: (blah blah)

And we hang up.

He calls me a few minutes later.

Him: how much money do you have?
Me: like 15 bucks. (show was 25)
Him: ill spot.

Fuck yeah!

So me, my brother, my 2 cousins, my cousins girlfriend, and his 2 friends get in a car, and we trek it to downtown LA. Quite the mission from Valencia, if ya ask me. We stock up on Arizona Green Tea (the shit) and McDonalds (shit) and sit in a car for a while. We get there, and its a LOOOOONG line to wait. Went around the block n stuff. So me and my brother go to buy our tickets, and wait in line. Sweet.

We get in about half an hour later. We find a good spot, and me and my cousins from whos name I can't remember find a better spot in front of the stage in the pit. First band up, A Skylit Drive. I got to see Jag. Hes got long hair. They played an OK set. They didn't play my favorite songs by them, so I was kinda let down. Alot of people didn't know them. Shame.

Next band was Alesana. Holy fucking christ they are amazing live. I was in the pit for them too. They started of with this. Amazing. Gdamn. They usually wear all black. This time, they decided to surprise everyone and wear white. An amazing amazing set. The pit was insane. Alesana is who I wanna be like.

Escape the Fate. My my my. What can I say? Robert Ortiz (the drummer) came out with a pimp robe and a diamond studded cup. Looks a lot like Slash, eh? Played a good set, didn't play This War is Ours though. I fucking love that song. During the Guillotine, some BIG guy hit me, and got a black eye. Pictures at the end.

Oh my fucking god Silverstein. They were just amazing. Isn't it great when a band from Canada comes to LA, has an amazing show, not only with a bigger sound than the other bands before, but with sick lights too? Holy crap they were the band that made it worth my money. This was their set closer. Imagine that, but better. I didn't expect them to be THAT good.

Chiodos closed the show. Not much to write. They were just as good as Silverstein. Sick. Sick. Sick. But I liked Silverstein better only because I knew their songs.

So that was Thursday. Fucking awesome.

Friday-Saturday: Dont remember.

Sunday: Dont remember. I make french toast. Pics are to ensue NOW! eventually. Camera just broke.



Wednesday mornin' blues.

Its Wednesday morning. No school. No phone. No car. Void of alot of things, lately. Its left me with a slight depression. Narcissism isn't a fun thing when you have no one to exploit it with. Not fun at all. A few people is all I need. That would be great. But the people I talk to in person I see twice a week. And for about 2 minutes a day. Then I come home to nothing. Go to nothing, come back to nothing. Oh, how I wish things would just straighten itself out.

I started playing RO again. Thats what that picture is. Its like taking crack from a crack addict and giving him heroine. Thats the gist of MMO's, isn't it? Crack to heroine. And he'll be a heroine addict until he gets crack again. Welcome to the world of drugs gaming.

Its only the morning. Ill have more to write about later.


I try to keep this to twice a week...

...but I feel this is important.


Late? Id say so.

Nothing to fucking say. I leave you with a depressing picture which seems to describe me well.


The rest of it. Wha?

So, the other day I made french toast. I must say, it was fucking awesome. How awesome? Gahshunk. That's all I have to say about it. Gah-damn-shunk. Sharks and European fiber. Where was I again? I lost my damn train of thought.

Insert: Thursday. Philosophy happened. All I can say. Pretty boring. Aside from the fact that its cold. Know that means? It's coming. Very very soon.

Friday. I think I made the french toast that day. I'm not too sure.

Saturday. Huh. Edgar got hit by a car. End day.

Today, which is Sunday. K, I won't write much about this day. Alot to write about, but I'm not in a writing mood. If you were there, shit sucked. Whatever. Never going back to the valley. Not my fault.

In closing to what may be the shittiest blog ever, I give you Justin Wong vs. Daigo. My favorite youtube video ever. Enjoy.


Boooring ass week. So far.

So world, guess what I did today. And yesterday. And the day before. Nothing, aside from ranting on guidos. Twas a very boring week, and pretty lameness too. I think I might just coughed up a lung. Here's why.

Bleh. Monday, I did nothing. Sleep, game a bit, was a bit late to english. English, is boring as ever. At least its easy, eh? Something along the lines of show up, write, listen, leave. Mindless work. What can I say? College sure is fun. Or is it? I will tell you right now, it sure beats the hell outta high school. Big time.

Tooes-day. So my mom stays home from work. Also had the greatest idea about painting the inside of the house with the windows closed. How amazing is that? Dare I say... NOT! Anywho, all them fumes got to me. It became increasingly harder to breath and all. I couldn't play under that condition. So I missed jazz. Also missed philo, had lots of engrish work to do for today. Let's fast forward till then, ya? Zoom zoom a few hours.

Wednesday, today. Wake up, make a grilled cheese sammich. Sat and did nothing for a while aside from my morning routine (checking Kotaku, mail, and other necessities). Is it good? Sorta. I think that my little brother is starting to game a lot now. Like.. he starts bugging me about going on my lappy and playing with the SNES emulator I have. Hes playing retro games. Plays a lot of Killer Instinct (c-c-c-c-combo breaker much?), Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World, and (get this)Battletoads. My little brother, pwning it up with combat amphibians. How awesome. So, thats pretty much it for this "hump" day. I've got one class tomorrow, and I wanna go out during the weekend. If you're reading this, for the love of god, call me. I need to get out of this hellhole more often.

And as a closing picture, I give you this.




I just turned 18. Big whoop. Wanna fight about it? Nothing special happened. I learned how to tie a tie, ate In-N-Out, bleh bleh bleh. Fun time, right? Yeah, sorta. It's been a long experience, and I've learned some things along the way, which would be the main point of this entry.

Pointing and clicking seems like an easy thing. I still do. What one sees from his/her vision is cool and all, and sometimes varies from what other people get to see every day. It's a nice escape.I don't want to see another black+white picture of a god damn lawn chair. Mmk. Next thing to whatever about.

Birthdays, oh yes. It's been a long time coming, but I feel I've certainly become wiser, it's taken a while for myself to finally open my eyes to the rest of the world. Sucks. Haha. Anywho, birthdays. I finally see them for what they are. Checkpoints to death. Go figure, eh? Cake and ice cream is all well and good, but sometimes, one needs to experience shit to truly understand shit. Shit happens. Shit. I wonder what took me so long to realize it. At least I can buy porn and tobacco now without any restraints. Neat, huh? Yeah, no.

Um, other than that, there's much more I could write about, but I feel there's no need right now. I write what I feel is important. I thought these were important right now. So nyeh. There you have it.

Also, I'll be doing game reviews on Jonas blog. Should be something to look forward to. Right? Perhaps. It was an idea that we though should be good.

And that's just about it. I hope to write twice a week, on Sundays and Wednesdays. I somehow doubt that will happen. Oh wellz.


The happening.

I had a realization about a week ago. I was pretty damn oblivious about the fact that there is a difference between joy and happiness. I didn't know what made me happy anymore. What I wanted to do. I knew nothing.

Well, by Jove, I think I've got it!!

Saw Mr. Craig on Saturday. I realized it there. (for those who don't know who Craig Mabbit is, hes the singer for The Word Alive and Escape the Fate) He's sooo damn energetic when he sings. Its fucking insane. Alive. Inspirational.

Thats him on Saturday night.

I thought to myself. That feeling of seeing him do what he does on stage, its great. I've played on a stage before as well. Its just as great. I found out what I wanted. I want to perform. I want to get out there. More. I miss that feeling. It's what drove me to who I am today. Be the one that stands out. I don't care what I'm playing. I want to be the one up there, under the lights. I want to be the one people look up to and have them say the things I'm saying.

Theres no drive in my life without this. Im gonna go out and do something about it.

(On a side note, 4 levels till 70. Booyah.)


The "End of the World"

Ok. There has been a lot of worries and doubts about the LHC. If you don't know what that is by now, I suggest you read a damn book. Or leave your basement. I'll explain what I can here.

The LHC (Large Hardon Collider [I know some of you might be laughing at hardon.. I'm guilty of that too]) is a big particle accelerator. Big. As in circumference of bout 17 miles. And really deep underground. No less than 1500 feet. Anywho, when particles are goin round and round really fast, the plan here is to collide them really fast and simulate to what it similar tho the Big Bang. They want to study the Higgs boson, a particle to have existed shortly after the Big Bang. Not sure about you, but holy hell.

This, I think, is a great thing for us. Science in the sake of science? That's fucking great!!

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm getting sick of all this "end of the world" crap and "OMG LAWL 2012 UR GONA DIESS". Aren't you? Sure, they're cute theories, but nothing has actually been proven. Not with sufficient evidence, to say the least. I could be wrong, I could be misinformed, but I really don't see things leading to the end of the world.

Yes, when Diddy complains about oil prices, somethings wrong.

Eh. I'm done with this. See you tomorrow, which you think won't exist, you damn religion nuts. Just try not to give annoying death threats to Nobel Prize winning physicists from MIT, k? Thanks :D


First update in like.. months.

Now. Let's see here. Take it or leave it as you want it. I will start writing in this blog again.

It'll be about anything I want. Reviews, adventures, rants, random blurbs, the works. I write, you read. If you so choose. No one is forcing you to read this damn thing. Oh well. If you do read, don't complain. Have at it.


-end transmission


The story of Jacobs weekend + monday (as told by me)

So lets take a trip. To a land before we had worries about numerous things. Like.. yeah. So hop in zem time machines and take a trip to looooooooooooong ago. Uhh.. Friday.

Friday: It's like.. 6 something in the morning, and I get to Hawthorne. Theres a few other people there. Don't remember who. Then there was the thing about the thing. We get on the bus, and check it, the rookies have to load it. Lame. It doesn't take that long. We're good at it. So we ride to Disneyland. We get there, and our driver happens to have a suspended license. How stupid, rite? So we get to the performance thing late. Almost. We play, and it pretty much flops. So yeah. We get just hang out at the park, and we got a group of 7. Me, Jona, Liz, Aldo, Irvine, Eliu and the one who couldn't help to be in every picture. Yeah. Long day. Shit happens. We get back to Hawthorne. And its like 1. We unload the bus, yada yada yada, bus a mission to the gas station, bust a mission back, and go to ze gym for lights-out at 2. Technically this is already Saturday, but whatever. Sleep.

Saturday: They wake us up at 7:30am. I woke up earlier cuz E-Man was being loud as fuuck. We go to the band room, and there we find cereal. And sammiches. And fruit. I only had a little to eat. Tis a mistake I would regret. We go to the big gym, stretch, and block up outside. DJ tells us to run for 1 hour. So we run.

And run.

And run.

And run.

After the run, I kinda loose it and loose control of my body. It goes numb, I can't see a thing. So someone goes to get help (I'm pretty sure it was Eliu) . Thats all i remember. I remember hearing faint voices, but all I could recognize was Liz. Weird. Anywho, I get my consciousness back and i'm in the back of an ambulance looking around going "wut the feezy". Some guy asks me a bunch of questions, and I end up in some hospital in Inglewood. Yeah. They let me go, and my ateh picks me up. I get home and sleep.

And sleep.

And sleep. Cue Sunday.

Sunday: I sleep. All day. Sleep, eat, Rock Band. Life of a gamer at his best. Git 'er done.

Monday: I wake up and have shallow breathing, but Im still alive. Anywho, I bus ride and it seems like forever since ive seen Daisy, Allen, Edgar, etc etc. So we get to school, bell rings, and yada yada yada. AP Theory time. We get there, and i feel worse. People have to take some makeup test, and i could barely breath. Some time later, I guess the bell rings, and I'm completely out of it. The pain in my chest is unbearable, I couldn't breath, and Sensei calls someone to get me downstairs. I get to the nurses office, and uhh.. yeah. I get picked up by my mom. She drives like a fucking psycho to Kaiser Panorama, and I'm in there for a good 4-5 hours. IV needles, gowns, the whole fucking package. They say its chest pain with unknown causes. Who knows. Maybe im dead. Or better. Hungry (which I was at the time). I get out, and sleep.

And sleep. You know the rest.

Today (Tuesday): Sleep, eat, and Rock Band. This time with Bob Marley. Even he couldn't cure the chest pain. Its still there as I write this. Yeah. Shit sucks.

-end transmission



Wierd weekend.

Gym floor.

Uhh.. yeah.

Details tomorrow.

-end transmission.


Yaya ka boom boom.

So today I got ramen. At Kinchan's. Its kitchen spelled retardedly says Danny. Hes an idiot.

Anywho, I was there with Jona, Danny, Alex, Enrique, and SHAAAAAAAAAAAAARK.

Oh fuck, that was good. Egg-Foo-Yong and the rice, my god its like an orgasm in your mouth. The whatevers of the whatevers is just too good to explain in words. God damn.

So today was the last day of the first semester. What does that mean? 20 weeks left. oh man. pressure.

So yeah. Thats it for today. No picture due to lack of cheese crackers.

Hoo yeah. Good day.

-end transmission


Day 2: Un Poco De Su Pais

Few things today.

FInals weren't that bad, but I though Theory was insane. Gah. Anyways, I got in trouble for being obscene on the bus and got moved for having Daisy try to blow me. Haha. Twas some funny shit, but eh. I got off at Monroe, and walked to Jack in ze Box. Good stuff when you haven't eaten all day.

I walked home, which was like, 40 minutes of hot valley hotness. And yeeeeeeeah.

Oh, I watched some old school Superman in Brunings and whatever. Twas dope. 2 finals down, 4 to go. Hoorah. Get at me. And thats pretty much my day.


-end transmission


First day on ze job.

Ze Random Pic of Le Day

Uhh.. so with that, heres the thing i'm gonna do every day (or at least try).

now that I have this thing, whats next?

Oh yeah. The random stuff of the day.

Anyways, lemmie tell you a story. I got pants'd today by Shayna. Why? Who knows. Just know I'm getting her back. Do people actually read these things? Iunno. If do you, don't be lame and just leave. Actually comment or something and whatever. Who knows. Anywho, there should be an interesting week this week. Potato salad? Yeah. Ramen? Maybe, but its something I need to get. Theory and Elec. Music final tomorrow. Woot woot? Yup.

-end transmission.