
Wednesday mornin' blues.

Its Wednesday morning. No school. No phone. No car. Void of alot of things, lately. Its left me with a slight depression. Narcissism isn't a fun thing when you have no one to exploit it with. Not fun at all. A few people is all I need. That would be great. But the people I talk to in person I see twice a week. And for about 2 minutes a day. Then I come home to nothing. Go to nothing, come back to nothing. Oh, how I wish things would just straighten itself out.

I started playing RO again. Thats what that picture is. Its like taking crack from a crack addict and giving him heroine. Thats the gist of MMO's, isn't it? Crack to heroine. And he'll be a heroine addict until he gets crack again. Welcome to the world of drugs gaming.

Its only the morning. Ill have more to write about later.

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