
Boooring ass week. So far.

So world, guess what I did today. And yesterday. And the day before. Nothing, aside from ranting on guidos. Twas a very boring week, and pretty lameness too. I think I might just coughed up a lung. Here's why.

Bleh. Monday, I did nothing. Sleep, game a bit, was a bit late to english. English, is boring as ever. At least its easy, eh? Something along the lines of show up, write, listen, leave. Mindless work. What can I say? College sure is fun. Or is it? I will tell you right now, it sure beats the hell outta high school. Big time.

Tooes-day. So my mom stays home from work. Also had the greatest idea about painting the inside of the house with the windows closed. How amazing is that? Dare I say... NOT! Anywho, all them fumes got to me. It became increasingly harder to breath and all. I couldn't play under that condition. So I missed jazz. Also missed philo, had lots of engrish work to do for today. Let's fast forward till then, ya? Zoom zoom a few hours.

Wednesday, today. Wake up, make a grilled cheese sammich. Sat and did nothing for a while aside from my morning routine (checking Kotaku, mail, and other necessities). Is it good? Sorta. I think that my little brother is starting to game a lot now. Like.. he starts bugging me about going on my lappy and playing with the SNES emulator I have. Hes playing retro games. Plays a lot of Killer Instinct (c-c-c-c-combo breaker much?), Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World, and (get this)Battletoads. My little brother, pwning it up with combat amphibians. How awesome. So, thats pretty much it for this "hump" day. I've got one class tomorrow, and I wanna go out during the weekend. If you're reading this, for the love of god, call me. I need to get out of this hellhole more often.

And as a closing picture, I give you this.


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