
The happening.

I had a realization about a week ago. I was pretty damn oblivious about the fact that there is a difference between joy and happiness. I didn't know what made me happy anymore. What I wanted to do. I knew nothing.

Well, by Jove, I think I've got it!!

Saw Mr. Craig on Saturday. I realized it there. (for those who don't know who Craig Mabbit is, hes the singer for The Word Alive and Escape the Fate) He's sooo damn energetic when he sings. Its fucking insane. Alive. Inspirational.

Thats him on Saturday night.

I thought to myself. That feeling of seeing him do what he does on stage, its great. I've played on a stage before as well. Its just as great. I found out what I wanted. I want to perform. I want to get out there. More. I miss that feeling. It's what drove me to who I am today. Be the one that stands out. I don't care what I'm playing. I want to be the one up there, under the lights. I want to be the one people look up to and have them say the things I'm saying.

Theres no drive in my life without this. Im gonna go out and do something about it.

(On a side note, 4 levels till 70. Booyah.)


The "End of the World"

Ok. There has been a lot of worries and doubts about the LHC. If you don't know what that is by now, I suggest you read a damn book. Or leave your basement. I'll explain what I can here.

The LHC (Large Hardon Collider [I know some of you might be laughing at hardon.. I'm guilty of that too]) is a big particle accelerator. Big. As in circumference of bout 17 miles. And really deep underground. No less than 1500 feet. Anywho, when particles are goin round and round really fast, the plan here is to collide them really fast and simulate to what it similar tho the Big Bang. They want to study the Higgs boson, a particle to have existed shortly after the Big Bang. Not sure about you, but holy hell.

This, I think, is a great thing for us. Science in the sake of science? That's fucking great!!

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm getting sick of all this "end of the world" crap and "OMG LAWL 2012 UR GONA DIESS". Aren't you? Sure, they're cute theories, but nothing has actually been proven. Not with sufficient evidence, to say the least. I could be wrong, I could be misinformed, but I really don't see things leading to the end of the world.

Yes, when Diddy complains about oil prices, somethings wrong.

Eh. I'm done with this. See you tomorrow, which you think won't exist, you damn religion nuts. Just try not to give annoying death threats to Nobel Prize winning physicists from MIT, k? Thanks :D


First update in like.. months.

Now. Let's see here. Take it or leave it as you want it. I will start writing in this blog again.

It'll be about anything I want. Reviews, adventures, rants, random blurbs, the works. I write, you read. If you so choose. No one is forcing you to read this damn thing. Oh well. If you do read, don't complain. Have at it.


-end transmission